Wednesday, 8 June 2011

To start it all off, a little history about this blog.

I started this blog about three years ago for a school project that was suppose to teach us to be more in tuned with the electronic world and talk about the advancements and future of the advertising world. In case you can't tell, I went to school for advertising.

Well as soon as that class was done, I wasn't that interested in continuing writing about that topic but thought that I may at some point come up with an idea or interest that I would like to share with whoever is interested.

A number of ideas ran through my head. Maybe a general comment tool for me to discuss my love for sports and my eternal frustration with my beloved Leafs. Then I thought it might be funny to post about the random things that my friends hate, trying to remember them as they come flying out of their mouths. As an example, one of my friends said "I hate when when bugs fly in your nose, then when you blow your nose, you have bugs in your boogers." Yeah. Classy.

When I got married, I thought to myself that it may be interesting if I made a sort of log of how thing were progressing and what tasks I was allowed to be involved with, which to my luck was mostly all of them because I don't have a crazy, controlling wife. But that thought passed me by rather quickly as I always thought of better things to do.

After all of those ideas, I was still left with a nearly empty blog and nothing really that interesting to say.
But alas, a few months ago, my lovely wife and I were blessed with the news that our budding family was about to add a new member in the form of a new baby.

And that my friends, is how this new blog has started.

Out with the old, I deleted all the old post I made in school over three years ago as they were irrelevant and uninteresting, and in with the new, in the form of new post relevant to my current situation, what I'm feeling, what progress is being made and maybe things that surprise me along the way. Who knows where this will go. Worst case scenario, I forget about it all together and never post again.

I also have to make it clear that I am not writing this for anyone in particular. I would say it's mostly a vehicle for me to express the things that I am feeling. I don't care if I am the only one ever to read it. It will allow me to come back and re-live the past from time to time and maybe laugh at myself.

As becoming a father and family man is all new to me, I thought the title of the page was still be-fitting to the situation since I don't have the slightest inclination what I am getting into.


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