I've heard about it many time, I have also seen it first hand but until you actually live it, it's hard to realize.
Kids take up a lot of space.
We aren't even close to having half the things (thank you again family and friends!) but already I am questioning where we are going to put everything. The Nursery is in complete disarray right now. Everything we have received has just been placed in there with no order. It doesn't help that the closet in that room (which isn't that large, but definitely bigger than many I've seen) is currently housing our shoes. We don't have any other place to put them.
This made me realize that the main culprit for this problem resides in the hall closet. Our hall closet is very small and very inefficient. It is a basic closet with a a rail along the top and a shelf above that. At the bottom, there is also what looks like an old step which you can flip up to reaveal a hidden cubby of sorts. The door is not helpful at all as it is one of those white folding vinyl things. I hate it. You can't hang anything from it.
So I have decided to tackle that closet. Now, remember that we are only renting and as such are limited in the changes we can make. The landlord, when looking through the house initially, made sure to show us the versatility of that step at the bottom so I cannot take that out. I also won't want to as I believe if I did, I would need to repair the surrounding wall.
The first thing I will do is remove that stupid door. I will wrap it and put it in the shed in the back. If they decide they want to put it back on after, they can.
I will clean out everything that is in there, remove the shelf and the rail, measure it up and come up with a plan that will still allow us coat hanging space along with some shoe storage space.
It will be great! I will do a before and after post about it when I actually get started. The wife is away for the weekend in a few weeks, so I think that will be the weekend I do it.
Stay tuned!
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